Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Green on the Screen

Part 1: After the Warming
Library Media Classroom
Thursday November 8th 1-2pm
Bring your lunch!

After the Warming (1990)
Social journalist James Burke presents several possible scenarios caused by the greenhouse effect during the 1990’s to 2050. Part one of this provocative quasi-documentary looks at the evolution of civilization and its relationship to the weather. Part two goes forward to 2050 to look back on a what could happen in the near future. The gimmick in the second part is that it's delivered as a mock-documentary format as if it really happened. What would our future hold if the scientists are correct, and if we take no action to slow the greenhouse effect? Each part is 55 min. Pt. 1 will be shown Nov. 8. Pt. 2 will be shown Nov. 15.

Library staff and the AU community (students, faculty, and staff) are welcome.

This screening series is sponsored by the Library's Green Team and will run through the end of the semester.

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