Saturday, October 4, 2008
Green Corps applications (for college graduates)!
Green Corps is looking for college graduates who are ready to take on the biggest environmental challenges of our day.
In Green Corps’ year-long paid program, you’ll get intensive training in the skills you’ll need to make a difference in the world. You’ll get hands-on experience fighting to solve urgent environmental problems — global warming, deforestation, water pollution and many others — with groups such as Sierra Club and Greenpeace. And, when you graduate from Green Corps, we’ll help you find a career with one of the nation’s leading environmental and social change groups.
In the next few months, we‘ll invite 35 college graduates to join Green Corps in 2009-2010. We’re looking for people who are serious about saving the planet, people who have taken initiative on their campus or community, and people who are willing to roll up their sleeves and work for change over the long haul. Green Corps’ year-long program begins in August 2009 with Introductory Classroom Training in Boston, and continues with field placements in multiple locations across the U.S. Candidates must be willing to relocate.
For more information, visit or contact Ben Walsh, Recruitment Director, at
Friday, September 26, 2008
EDF Film Contest
EDAF launched a video/graphic competition, with a $10,000 prize!!!
We are asking people to help us convey how a carbon cap will solve America's oil addiction in a clear, brief, convincing and memorable way.
We are hoping that you can spread this to your friends, networks, blogs, etc...
Below, please find an email to send around in addition to the press release, should you want to use that instead... To view the competition page, please go to:
Thanks so much, and please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions!
Emily Diamond-Falk
Environmental Defense Fund
1875 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Suite 600
Washington, DC 20009-5739
Phone: 202-572-3365
Fax: (202)234-6049
Cell: 202-841-8605
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Deadline approaching! Grants for green projects on campus
National Wildlife Federation’s Campus Ecology program awards fellowship grants to undergraduate and graduate students who are committed to reducing their campus carbon footprint. Projects that will be considered will include: greenhouse gas inventories, climate action plans, energy conservation and efficiency, habitat restoration, convening climate action gatherings, and more.
Grant awards:
Up to $2000 for Undergraduate Students
Up to $5000 for Graduate Students
Fall deadlines:
October 1, 2008
November 14, 2008
Visit for details about the Campus Ecology Fellowship program and contact Eco-Sense or Althea at with ideas.
World Watch Magazine - Population Forum
"Until recently, demographic issues such as population growth, age structures, and youth bulges did not generate much interest among environmental audiences. World Watch magazine’s September/October 2008 issue, Population Forum, is one sign that this is changing. Contributions highlight how population issues affect environmental degradation and climate change, as well as poverty, security, and the well-being of women and children." -WWM
Monday, September 15, 2008
Eco-Sense Goes to the Movies! - FLOW
You can meet us on Friday at the E Street Cinema for a 7:40 PM show or travel with Eco-Sense and get discounted tickets. We'll be meeting at 6:20 at the south side shuttle stop.
Social activism art show
DCYEA Semester Kick Off!
Climate Change and Corporate Responsibility!
Eco-Certifier Workshop
Eco-Sense provides AU staff with trainings in sustainable purchasing and office behavior as part of their Office Eco-Certification Program. In place of a general meeting this week, Eco-Sense will host a workshop for students interested in helping train campus staff to operate a green office.
Join us Thursday, September 18 at 8:30 PM in MGC 247 for a mock training that will prepare you to join Eco-Sense in meeting the huge demand for trainings in offices across campus this semester. Whether you want to give trainings with Eco-Sense in the future, or just to learn about how to reduce your carbon footprint in an office or your dorm room, this training is perfect for all levels of involvement!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Green on the Screen videos will be shown every Thursday @ 12:30pm throughout the Spring Semester in the Media Services Classroom on the lower level of the AU Library. The screenings are open to all and attendees are welcome to bring lunch.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Tues. 8am-11am Campus Beautification Registration on the quad
7-8pm Corporate Responsibility Panel in Ward 1
Wed. 5:30-9:30 Environmental Films in the Weschler Theatre
8pm "Purchasing Campaign Successes" and update from Bill Mayer (the head librarian) and Chris Lewis (member of the Library Green Team) in the Weschler Theatre
Thurs. afternoon Quad events, ie rock wall climbing! (weather permitting)
7-8pm EJ Panel on Mountaintop Removal in the Battelle Atrium
9-11pm Open Mics Open Minds in the Battelle Atrium
Sat. 9:30 am Pontoon Ride and Picnic
Monday, March 31, 2008
Here in DC, Congressman Markey has subpoenaed the CEOs of the 5 biggest oil companies to answer to Americans in a congressional hearing on why gas prices continue to rise when the corporations are turning record breaking profits. Join us in telling the oil companies that we won't be fooled! They are deceivers, a green economy will be better for all Americans.
When: TOMORRROW, 10:00 am. (Folks interest in strategic positioning at the hearing should plan to be in line outside Cannon 210 at 9:30 am)
Where: Sidewalk outside Longworth on Independence Ave between 1st st SE and New Jersey Ave SE
What: There are many ways to get involved. Come to what you can.
9:30- Get in line outside Cannon 210 if you want to get a seat for the 12:00 hearing
10:00 am and until after the hearing, probably about 3:00- Meet us at Longworth and then we will walk to Cannon. You can be part of two groups:
1) hold signs outside and pass out flyers, wear a campus climate challenge, powershift, or other related shirt if you have one.
Playing with Poison!
Green on the Screen videos will be shown every Thursday @ 12:30pm throughout the Spring Semester in the Media Services Classroom on the lower level of the AU Library. The screenings are open to all and attendees are welcome to bring lunch.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Green on the Screen videos will be shown every Thursday @ 12:30pm throughout the Spring Semester in the Media Services Classroom on the lower level of the AU Library. The screenings are open to all and attendees are welcome to bring lunch
Monday, March 17, 2008
11th Hour on Friday!
Find out more info here: http://events.georgetown.e
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Green on the Screen!
Green on the Screen videos will be shown every Thursday @ 12:30pm throughout the Spring Semester in the Media Services Classroom on the lower level of the AU Library. The screenings are open to all and attendees are welcome to bring lunch.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Thursday 12:30pm in the Media Services Classroom (lower level of Bender Library)...bring your lunch!
Lobby to Stop Mountain Top Removal
April 5th- April 9th, 2008 is our 3rd Annual Mountaintop Removal Week in Washington ( -- the chance for people like you from all across the country to meet your representatives and ask them to stop the destructive practice of mountaintop removal coal mining.
Last year's week in Washington was a tremendous success -- not to mention a lot of fun. More than 100 people from 19 states came to Washington, holding more than 100 meetings with Congressional offices and 20 face-to-face meetings with Members of Congress.
The result? People like you helped us gain 16 new co-sponsors for the Clean Water Protection Act (CWPA, --which would sharply curtail mountaintop removal coal mining -- in just three days in Washington.
And because the Week in Washington helped build Congressional momentum foraction on mountaintop removal coal mining, the CWPA now has a historic 126co-sponsors (
This year's week in Washington is more important than ever. With the coal industry set to spend more than $35 million this year( greenwash the public and Congress, your representatives need to hear from you that the time for action on mountaintop removal coal mining is now.
To learn more about this year's Week in Washington, or to indicate if you're interested in attending, click here:
attend a GREEN JOBS conference!
On March 13-14, a conference unlike any other will take place in Pittsburgh, PA. The event will launch a nationwide dialogue about moving our country rapidly toward leadership in promoting the benefits of a new green economy. Good Jobs, Green Jobs: A National Green Jobs Conference will bring together advocates representing local, state and federal policy makers; labor; business; the environment and public health; economic and workforce development specialists; investors; scientists and technology experts and YOUTH!
Highlighted speakers include:
Edward G. Rendell, Governor of Pennsylvania
Margie Alt, Environment America
Phil Angelides, Apollo Alliance
Joy Clarke-Holmes, Johnson Controls
Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers
Gerry Hudson, Service Employees International Union
Van Jones, Green for All
Katrina Landis, BP Alternative Energy
Ed Mazria, Architecture 2030
John Podesta, Center for American Progress
Carl Pope, Sierra Club
Lois Quam, Piper Jaffray
Lou Schorsch, Arcelor-Mittal
Rich Trumka, AFL-CIO
Dr. Beverly Wright, Deep South Center for Environmental Justice
The Sierra Student Coalition will be organizing youth social events in the evening as well as a youth "meet-up" during the conference.
The Sierra Student Coalition has scholarships available for this conference. If you are interested in applying for a scholarship, please fill out the attached form and email it to Scholarships are need-based and will be given on a rolling basis.
If you will need housing in Pittsburgh for the conference, please indicate that on your scholarship application or let me or Maura know. The SSC is trying to secure free housing for everyone who needs it, but we need a head count by next week.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Green on the Screen videos will be shown every Thursday @ 12:30pm throughout the Spring Semester in the Media Services Classroom on the lower level of the AU Library.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
No War, No Warming
round two of what must be a sustained, growing, developing campaign to end the Iraq war and save our deeply wounded ecosystem. Working with a broader range of organizations, we'll be taking action again on March 19th, again in Washington, D.C., as well as in other parts of the country. This time the major D.C. actions will be at locations like the American Petroelum Institute and the Department of Energy.
Sign up for more information on their website and organize a group of AU students/community members to participate!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
soo....what do YOU think?
let's get some discussion going on here people!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Green on the Screen videos will be shown every Thursday @ 12:30pm throughout the Spring Semester in the Media Services Classroom on the lower level of the AU Library. The screenings are open to all and attendees are welcome to bring lunch. Most of the videos scheduled run 60 minutes or less.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Upcoming Events for Founder's Day!
On Wednesday at 2:15pm, stop by McDowell Formal lounge for an open forum on AU's Sustainability with both Eco-Sense and Facilities Management. You can ask anything you want to know about what the university and it's students are doing to practice sustainability and make the campus carbon neutral!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Green on the Screen!
Green on the Screen videos will be shown every Thursday @ 12:30pm throughout the Spring Semester in the Media Services Classroom on the lower level of the AU Library. The screenings are open to all and attendees are welcome to bring lunch. Most of the videos scheduled run 60 minutes or less.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Now's your chance to build on the momentum of Focus the Nation by engaging all those folks who participated to get involved with your group and campaign. Join in with other students to learn some best practices around recruitment; get people involved early in the semester so that they'll stay involved all semester!
What: Recruitment Phone Training.
Who: You and other leaders from your group and around the country!
When: Tuesday, Feb. 5th @ 9pm Eastern
Wed., Feb 6th @ 9pm Eastern
Where: SSC Conference Line (details available when you register)
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
URGENT: Green Jobs Have a Chance TOMORROW!
1. Call your Senator's DC office. Contact info available here:
2. Ask to speak with the Staff person working on the Economic Stimulus Package
3. Ask for your senator to support the Sanders Amendment to fully fund the green job workforce training program.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Are you tired of seeing climate change ignored by the media?
ME TOO! There are critical debates coming up in Florida and California and we need to make sure
global warming is a big topic of discussion.
Can you email Wolf Blitzer and Tim Russert directly and tell them to make
global warming a priority at the debates? Click below to send an email to
the debate moderators:
Help Elect an Environmentalist!
Did you know that Donna Edwards isn't just a champion on environmental issues (which she is!) but on other progressive issues as well? For example, she co-founded and served as the first executive director of the National Network to End Domestic Violence, AND received national recognition as she led the successful fight to pass the Violence Against Women Act of 1994!
She's the kind of leader we need in Congress, and that's why EVERYONE should come out and help her get elected on Feb. 12!
Here's how you can help: volunteer to canvass on any or all of the following dates. Get out and talk to the good citizens of Maryland's 4th about the change we all need to see here in DC.
SATURDAY, JAN. 26 (tomorrow!) -- meet at 10:30 am at 6839 Eastern Ave., Takoma Park - a short walk from the Metro. We're still looking for volunteers for tomorrow so PLEASE let me know if you can make it. It'll be fun!
SATURDAY, FEB. 2 - Same deal - meet in the morning in Takoma Park. This will be our biggest pre-GOTV volunteer canvass! We need you!
SATURDAY, FEB. 9 - GOTV WEEKEND! This is a BIIIG day! We need canvass supervisors, payroll folks, and general canvassers from 11 to 4. NOTE: I had talked with some of you about the next day, Sunday, but it looks like we really need people for Saturday more. If you can only do Sunday, that's fine, but if you can do Saturday, that's better!
TUESDAY, FEB. 12 - ELECTION DAY! Woo-hoo! We need canvass supervisors, payroll folks, and general canvassers from 9:30 to 2:30 - although I'm sure we could use you any time if that doesn't work.
Here are some of her youtube videos:
*Post something on Eco-Sense's discussion board if you are lookin' for some eco-sensual company!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Open Mic / Open Minds
Where: Davenport Lounge
Join us for an open discussion and some casual acoustic performances after the long day of panel discussions, part of Eco-Sense and Student Government's Focus the Nation!
Contact Mackenzie at to show off your musical talents!!!
First meeting of the SPRING SEMESTER!
When: TONIGHT Wed at 8pm
Where: Batelle Atrium
We’ll be talking about the Focus the Nation events that are rapidly approaching and we’ll be voting on global warming solutions. Focus the Nation is a national teach-in on climate change (check out AU's full schedule here) taking place January 30th to February 1st. Eco-Sense will be tabling all that week and we will also be having a webcast, a day of panels, and a faith roundtable. There will be sign-ups for helping at the meeting and creative poster-making, woo woo!
At the meeting we’ll also be talking about the environmental positions of the presidential candidates so that we can be informed when we vote in our primaries.
Also, don't forget to check out the video Eco-Sense made last semester for the National Wildlife Federation's Chill Out grant competition:
If you and your friends watch it and rate it, you’ll be helping Eco-Sense to win some caaash money!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Green on the Screen is BACK!
Where: Library Media Services Classroom (lower level of Bender Library)
What: A weekly series of documentaries intended to raise awareness of a range of environmental issues. The screenings are FREE and open to everyone. Attendees are welcome to bring a lunch, or a date ; )
Thomas Berry: The Great Story. 2002. 49 min.
Monk, cultural historian, author, teacher, and mystic Thomas Berry discusses spirituality, humanity and our connection with the natural world. Views expressed in these videos do not necessarily reflect those of the Green Team members but are provided to raise awareness surrounding issues with environmental impact.
Tell Detroit to Mass Produce Plug-In Hybrids!
Come join Co-op America and concerned students and consumers around the DC area to let auto makers know that they need to start mass producing plug-in hybrids -- for the climate, for their bottom lines and for American consumers!
When: Wed and Thursday Jan 23rd and 24th 4:45-6PM
Where: Meet outside the Mt Vernon Square / Convention Center Metro Stop
What: Flyering and spreading awareness about the viability of mass producing plug-in hybrids to participants of the DC Auto Show
*Wear your green hard hat from Power Shift if you have one!*